empower your creativity with ethical ai for illustrators

Start to create more illustrations with ethical ai model trained in your style–it's fast, safe, and accurate.

empower your creativity with ethical ai for illustrators

train a personal ai model on your work to create illustrations in less time, more variations, same style without losing your original ownership

as featured in

ArtReviewShoreditch Arts ClubartdailyTheWrong Biennale.Deutsche Welle

what’s in it for you

All ownership stays with you

Exactly is trusted by 2K+ creators in the platform and committed to having them maintain ownership and control of everything

Discover beyond your illustration

Easily conceptualise, edit, and make variations of your custom-styled generated illustration at a scale in no time

A reliable virtual studio assistant

Take this platform as a creative assistant to help you iterate more ideas for your illustration at any scope that you need

Stay in control of your work

All of your images uploaded and trained as a model here will remain yours, so you can rest assured the original ownership is guaranteed

used by the best illustrators

exactly.ai helps me create my own style faster then ever before. I've been able to illustrate 2 children's books within 5 months. I've been able to take at least 3 times more payed projects with exactly.ai

Daniella Koffler

Daniella Koffler


One of the best tools I have ever tested. What I like about exactly.ai is that, on the one hand, I find my own style, but on the other, it takes me elsewhere artistically.

Stéphane Maguet

Stéphane Maguet


Makes possible Infinite variations and surprising permutations of imagery in the style of the artist using it.  Mind altering.

Charles Peattie

Charles Peattie

Cartoonist and animator


How do I create my own image generation model?

To create your own image generation model, you need to gather 5 to 50 images that represent the style you want to recreate. Upload these images to the platform and provide brief descriptions for each. The platform will use this information to train a model that can generate new images in the same style. Once the model is trained, you simply describe the image you want, and the platform will produce it in the learned style. Learn more how to create your model.

How can exactly.ai help my creative workflow?

Exactly.ai is the solution for creative workers like you who are looking for a reliable ai. We are the extension to your creativity toolkit, where you can train your own model or collaborate with the artists you love from our model store. From there, you can effortlessly create high-quality illustrations, artistic concepts, mockup designs and more, all done within seconds.

What makes exactly.ai different?

Here at exactly.ai, we are building ethical ai where both ai and creators go hand-in-hand. We are working with creators like illustrators, designers, and artists in our model store making it possible for you to collaborate with the best ones to complete your creative needs. Along with this, we ensure they retain rights to their original work and are properly rewarded, which you can discover more here.

What is the difference between public model and other model?

We have two types of models: public and private. Public model is created by our users, published in the Model Store, and accessible to everyone. On the other hand, private model is not available to anyone.

Can I use exactly.ai for free? What benefits do I get from a paid subscription?

Yes it’s free, but our paid subscriptions allow you to do so much more. You can get unlimited generations along with its commercial licence, unlimited personal ai models, high resolutions up to 4K, and early access to our new features. 

Can I use generated images for commercial projects?

Only those with paid subscriptions are allowed to have generated images for commercial purposes. This is a part of our effort to support and have an equal share with the model artists that you use for image generation.

Do the model artists get a share of the commercial licence?

Yes. We will share revenue with artists based on the number of generated models. You can find out more about this here.

start to train personal ai on your illustration

start to train personal ai on your illustration