exactly.ai grant programme

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Anna Morozova

Head of Growth

Nov 08, 2023
exactly.ai grant programme

exactly.ai is an AI-powered tool for artists and creatives that enables users to train AI algorithms while retaining their intellectual property rights. The tool allows you to use your own visual language, develop new imagery, and licence your models, all while maintaining legal ownership of their work.

As part of our commitment to democratising the AI and art sectors, we offer an exclusive grant program to our community. This program provides free access to Exactly Pro and all its features.


Visual creators, creatives, and artists: Individuals in these categories whose practice is relevant in any way, or who have participated in our Exactly Lab events, and are older than 18 years, are eligible to apply.

Educators: Those interested in generative AI and passionate about sharing this interest with their students can apply. Eligible students must be 18 years or older.

Students: Individuals older than 18 years who want to use generative AI for academic or artistic projects are eligible.

The grant includes:

  • Full access to all tools and new features.
  • High Resolution: Option to download images in up to 4k resolution.
  • Negative Prompts: Ability to highlight issues during image generation.
  • Add Details: Refine images by adding details to improve overall quality.
  • Sketch-to-Image: Create images by sketching by hand or uploading a sketch.
  • Eraser: Remove unwanted elements from your image or sketch.
  • Edit Area: Recreate an area of your image with new prompts or erase unwanted elements.
  • Direct Support: Receive timely assistance from our dedicated support team.
  • Get Featured on Exactly.ai and Social Media: Share your work with a community of fellow visual creators, artistic innovators, and AI enthusiasts.

Grant size: Artists, Students, and Educators: 1000 generations and 10 models each. For Educators' Students: 200 generations and 5 models for each student in your group.

Fill out this form to apply.

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