Distance to the Moon
Distance to the Moon

Distance to the Moon


Maria Gyarmati


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After overcoming a burnout and art block, she discovered healing and self-expression through painting, making art a therapeutic escape. Recently, Amarylis has embraced AI art, integrating it into her repertoire since 2022. Her acclaimed work, featured by NFT platforms like World of Women, showcases her journey of empowerment, creativity, and resilience, inspiring others to find their own strength and confidence through art.

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Maria Gyarmati


Maria Gyarmati is an interactive media and visual artist creating art that integrates dance performance, and extended reality, and combines classical art techniques with new media art. Exploring topics of psychology, social catastrophes, opportunities, and the level of awareness of people at the present moment of history. Her works are presented at several Exhibitions and Museums around the world, such as Contemporary Venice, Venice, Italy, Brural Crossroads, New York, USA, Hungarian Museum of Ethnography.

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