Create images with sketches

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Tonia Samsonova

CEO and Founder

Sep 14, 2023
Create images with sketches

With a sketch function, you have more control over the image generated by your model. You can upload an image or draw a picture on the workspace with a pencil. Then, you provide a textual description and press the create button. The image that will be generated will follow the lines of your sketch precisely.
Here is how you can create images with the sketch.

  1. Draw a strawberry in the empty frame
  2. Choose a model on your model selection panel
  3. Write a textual prompt a strawberry
  4. Press Create button
  5. As in the video below, you will see an image of a strawberry that follows the lines of your sketch.

You can also upload a sketch that you've drawn elsewhere. At any time, you can make changes to the sketch to perfect it.

  • getting started
  • tools